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Unschooling Black Youth

& Reschooling  them for the 21st Century w/o the White Gaze

Khepera Academy is an educational program centered in the experiences of African American Students, their history, Social Emotional Learning (SEL) entrepreneurship, & STEAM.


This program begins its pilot this fall and is an expanded version of the Kidpreneurs' Academy we've run for the past two years. The program is designed to tackle the immediate needs of African American youth who receive their education outside of a traditional schooling system. 

In traditional educational settings, African American youth experience a myriad of disparities caused by systemic racism that inflict toxic stress. In the city of Nashville, less than 20% of all students currently in public education meet their target for achievement on the 2023 TNReady Tests. This mean at least 85% of all Metro Nashville Public School students are NOT on grade level. 


In addition to the academic landscape, African American students experience the most punitive disciplinary actions for minor and major infractions in school. With the passing of HB2670/SB2290 it is illegal for Tennessee educators teach about race in a K-12 setting, and the recent amendment to T.C.A. § 49-6-3115 now requires schools to fail third graders who are not proficient in Reading and Math even though research shows that failing a student in the third grade increases the likelihood that they enter the penal system. If there ever was a time to remove black students from traditional education settings, it is now.


Traditional education environments require black students to perform under the white gaze to no avail. It breeds a sense of non-belonging that eventually morphs into anxiety, imposter syndrome, and even disassociation.


This program provides an alternative to those issues through an innovative “unschooling” model that resists oppressive indoctrination, takes black children out of traditional education, and takes control of black children’s education by teaching them about Black History, Black Economics, Entrepreneurship, Social & Emotional Learning & STEAM. You know your child is a fit for this program if he/she:


  1. Is African American

  2. Is in grades K-12

  3. Receives Homeschooling (Pods, Umbrella Schools etc. welcome)

  4. Is in DCS custody and receives no formal education from a school system

  5. Receives education outside of a traditional school system


If any of this peeks your interest, complete the interest form, and you will be contacted. Registration begins in October.

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